Squirrels really do get a bad rap…
I was curling my hair the other morning as I got ready for work. It was 5am.
3/4 of the way through, I suddenly thought, “Squirrel!! I need to clean my teeth!!”
Of course I did. It is my habit to clean my teeth when I get up every morning. I have for more than 40 years. Why suddenly that thought came into my head right then was beyond me. What was even more interesting was the thought that I had to do it RIGHT NOW!! Not in 5 minutes when my hair was finished being curled, but Right. Now.
So, with the power cord strung from the plug in on the left, to where I sat it down on the right, I leaned over the cord and wet my brush, brushed my choppers, spat and rinsed around the cord and then felt as though I could continue to curl my hair.
What was that all about?
I will likely never know.