Last fall I had the absolute fortune to meet up with a friend that I hadn’t seen in a few months. I seriously thought she had cancer because when I saw how much weight she had lost since I had seen her a few month earlier, I could only think it was because she was ill.
Not only was she well, she was about to change my life. Over the course of the day (between seminar presentations), I grilled her on what she had been doing.
The answer was simple. Keto!
I mulled over what she had said for a few more weeks until I saw her again, slimmer again than she had been that cold November day.
Taking her advice and following her tutoring, I eased my big toe into the Keto world like a swimmer tests the water at the first trip to the lake in early summer.
Dec 31 came and I decided I needed to take the plunge. Using a New Year’s resolution as my cliché entry into my new way of eating, I snapped “before” pics and took measurements as instructed.
I have not looked back. My journey has been both slow and fast at the same time. I have had lots of people ask me about what I am doing, how I am doing it and it seemed like a natural fit to add a section to my blog (thanks DARA!) and explain a few things. I will make a few recommendations and let people follow along if they are so inclined.
Here we go!