I know that to most of you, I am perfect. Hahahaha
I am perfectly imperfect. Here’s what happens if you fall off the wagon. You get back on. That’s it.
Sometimes I get caught by surprise and see the wagon riding off into the sunset and I sit there a minute, dust myself off while wondering, “What the hell just happened?!?!” and then run behind for a few hours till I catch up and hop back on.
This past weekend, I chose to hop off and party with a bunch of 25 year olds at a stagette camping weekend. Did I mention I am 44…lol? Not only did most of them not even need to really consider watching their weight, I wanted to see what would happen with me if I went back to my old ways.
Here’s what I found. As is true with most things in life, people seem to care more about what they think other people think of their choices than most people actually do. I also realized I was blessed with friends who are very supportive and had no judgements if I ate the chips and hashbrowns or didn’t. I ate some of my prepacked snacks some of the time and chips some of the other times. It didn’t seem to matter to them.
I sure felt gassy and bloated though at the end of the weekend, and I was pretty excited to get back on the keto wagon with a firm grip on the reins.
It seems to be a choice that I need to be comfortable with. I don’t need to explain to anyone why I eat or decline anything in particular. A simple “No thanks.” should be sufficient. If it isn’t, I add “No thanks, I am in training.”. That seems to stop people more quickly for some reason,but I’m not sure why.
When someone asked me once what I was training for, I quickly responded, “I’m training myself to eat a different way than I have before.”. It was enough for them to hear, enough for me to say, and enough to keep me on track.
That’s it. If you get off (by design or accident), simply choose to get back on. Then you are on. Keto on!