Here I am. Building my muscles. Flexing them. Admiring them. Looking around to see who else is watching me. I am told I should be doing this everyday to develop them, however, I wonder if it will actually happen. I have purchased new equipment to assist in this department. I had other stuff I could use, but as I get older, sometimes I need something that will accommodate the aging process a little easier. I never thought I would be saying that. I also never thought I would be wearing reading glasses when I do people’s nails either….and before the recommended age of 40 that the paper insert told me about when I opened the plastic package to get the glasses out of. I was only 37 at the time. I am now 45. Ack.
“They” say it is easier to keep going once the initial inertia has been overcome. I’m not sure how my back will feel tomorrow after this; it might be sore. I was sore the other day after doing four sets of nails. All that sitting and hunching and leaning over my table made my back sore where I had hurt it 25 years ago skydiving. Once I had healed from that all those years ago, I figured I was golden! Who knew that now I would be paying the piper. I had an X-ray done a few years back that showed some degeneration and the chiropractor told me to make sure I keep moving and keep limber so as to prevent issues when I really get old. I have heard three times in this past day about something called DDP yoga. I’m not entirely sure what that is compared to regular yoga, but if keeping limber and strong is what I need to do for my back, I should consult with MIsty and see if she can shed some light on what it is. Or perhaps Google is my friend in this department.
I have been exercising my muscle for about 14 minutes now. I still feel a bit like I am at the inertia stage and not quite hitting my stride yet, so I will keep going. It feels like way more, but at the same time, way less. I haven’t quite decided how long I am going to commit to exercising each day, but for some reason 30 minutes seems reasonable, especially in the beginning.
My friend Sheri said sometimes it helps to do it with a partner. You do one bit, they do one bit. You wait for them to be done their bit, evaluate what they did, then you take your turn. They wait for you, then evaluate what you have done and take it from there. It is supposed to help keep things fresh and creative, and based on where they take the muscle building, you build on that. She has offered to be a partner for me in this endeavour. I have to say, I was quite impressed with the idea, and sad that I hadn’t thought of it before. It is amazing to me how often someone else’s opinion/insight/experience completely blows my mind and opens more doors that I had previously thought about. I love it. A lot. Kind of like when I considered the bottle of “Fiji water” I saw on the shelf at the Co-op years ago. That water came from a place I have never been. It has seen things I have never seen, not unlike the pineapple that comes from Hawaii. I love that different perspective when I take the time to break it down.
17 minutes. This is going well I think.
I took a class last year taught by an expert in the industry, one who had considerable muscles but was quite disappointed when it was over. Perhaps I didn’t follow the instructions right. Perhaps I missed something when the information was given to me. Either way, I showed up, watched the leader in action, and felt let down afterwards. I did not feel inspired or motivated despite my high hopes. Another friend, CJ, suggested another expert in the field who was giving similar teachings, but I have felt less than inclined to go down that path based on my lacklustre experience last year. I know that every teacher is different, and I should not paint them all with the same brush, but I feel like there has been a transparency overlaid on my experience I just can’t shake. Sorry CJ.
I must stretch my neck. A hot bath will be in order later for sure. I can use my new Christmas present my husband and kids made me that holds a wine glass and a book while I soak in the tub. I have debated for a while if the investment of one of those massage chairs would be a good idea. I think it would be, but $5,000 is a lot of money to spend. A regular massage would be helpful, especially if I could have 30 minutes of THAT every day!
While I am exercising my muscle, I notice how strangely quiet my house is. It is just my noises I can hear. The kids are suspiciously quiet. I realize their bedrooms are both in the basement, but there is no fighting, no TV, no music. Perhaps they are asleep, and now it will be hell tonight getting them to bed if they fall asleep now. I call out and tell Jack he will be having a bath soon. This will make sure he is still awake, and that when I am done exercising my muscle, he will have something to do. I think an 8pm bedtime is in order considering his sleepover shenanigans last night. Heck, I think one will be in order for me too! He doesn’t seem to complain about it. He must be playing on the “idiot box” as my husband is prone to call electronic devices. He answered right away. At least I know he hasn’t been eaten by his 3 foot T-Rex toy Santa got him for Christmas, nor is he sleeping already.
Now to check on Jeff. He is awake, cranky and also likely needing an early night based on his sleepover shenanigans also! Everyone had sleepovers last night. Everyone had shenanigans no doubt.
25 minutes. I am almost done the random time limit I assigned myself. Or was it assigned by some random stranger, or doctor of some sort. I have survived and I actually feel pretty good about it. I have exercised my muscle for the day. My writing muscle that is. I feel better for having done it.
Perhaps I need to try the treadmill next.