The Ethiopians have a company here called Ethiofoam. You guessed it, they make foam mattress. It is so firm, it must be made from the lava rocks that spewed from the volcano that erupted a few years ago down the road from where we are staying it is so dense. I think they must be endorsed by chiropractors as a money making investment. ‘Nuff said about that.
There are a number of very interesting birds here I will need to research when I get back for I have never seen them. We did get to see vultures though, but not able to get clear pictures as they seem to startle easily. Maybe because they have never seen white people before either and they think we are ghosts and that frightens them…lol
Our friend The Henchman had the pleasure of having a bone ripped from his skull today which will no doubt improve his disposition. Ha! Time will tell.
We had French toast for breakfast that was…um…interesting. While there were good intentions, I can see this trip being a bit of a weight loss plan in action.

Today we did some painting of the classrooms to bring them back to looking clean and fresh again. I managed to get paint in my hair but we completed it in good time with all the help we had. Alynne helped rub paint off the bum of my pants with baby wipes as I somehow bumped into a paintbrush.
We learned that the key I had been toting around for the room as the key master could be not only used to keep people out, but to lock people in too!!! Three of us left the room, and so I locked the door behind us pocketing the key. We joined the group and we were waiting for Dick to join us before we started our next activity and he wasn’t coming…and wasn’t coming…until Bisrat came to ask me if I had the key as Dick must have been in the bathroom when we left and locked the door, making him a prisoner in his own room!
Alynne, Lee and I have decided there is merit in having my sister rent a minivan to come get us in so we don’t need to risk having bugs in my van that could cause a problem for not only our family, but for my carpool friends and anyone else who rides with me in the week following our return. We have been advised to keep our bags outside or in the freezer for a few days to kill whatever may come back with us. Seems like a good idea given the number of bugs I have run across to far in this first week.

I saw my first banana tree with a banana flower and it was beautiful! Can’t wait to show you the picture of it!
Supper was the mais corn, potatoes and a meat that could have been ox, goat, sheep or hyena….not quite sure which. I did learn however the reason that bulls are castrated. I always thought it was for reproductive control. Turns out it is to reduce the testosterone in the animals as that hormone makes meat tough and stringy. Married to a farmer and I had no idea!
Off to bed. Be well.